Sunday, August 30, 2015 | By: Kaleigh Jean Spooner

Let me chat about myself, eh? Okay, that sounds a bit pretentious.

Alright. You're probably wondering why on earth I've asked you to write about yourself. And start a blog...

You're probably sitting in your chairs thinking how horrible this semester is going to be, stressing about tests, and quizzes and papers and deadlines.

Maybe you're thinking about how terribly crazy your writing teacher seems to be.

And maybe I am a tad crazy. Just a little.

Then again, maybe I'm also a fun person who might just make this semester of writing an interesting one for you.

AND, maybe, just maybe that sounded a little inflated.

I promise I don't have a big head and I promise I'm not an over inflated or full of myself.

I AM, however, a girl from a small town in Southern Utah. Kanab...ah glorious Kanab, with it's two stoplights, tourist traps and gleaming red rocks.

It's hard not to be fond of a place so peaceful and serene. Though, I do suspect that cows outshine the human population of the county.

I had around 48 people in my graduating class...

And after school I came up to Provo to study at BYU. THAT was a culture shock for me. So many people, so many buildings...what was a small town girl to do?

Get lost in the book store apparently. And then get lost in the library.

AND in the JFSB

And, you get the idea. I'm rubbish at directions.

Though, apparently, not enough to evade living here permanently.

You'll find me now, quite content with the size of Provo, able to navigate the streets rather well (or well enough anyway) and somewhat good at giving directions now.

Small victories, people. Small victories.

Other than that? I'm a rather dull homebody who likes spending time with her family.

I know I know. You may be thinking:

Not everyone's cup of tea, I realize. But I enjoy it. And because I enjoy being home, I also have fun little hobbies that I take delight in as well.

Like baking guys. Baking is brilliant. AND, you may get treats from time to time because I enjoy it so much.

On the other hand, I'm also a graduate student, which MAY make me certifiably crazy, given that I've got a rather busy life with children.

But I tend to thrive in chaos.

And I've got the best thesis in the world. It's about Tolkien and Sir Walter Scott.

All the feels guys. All the feels.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg that is my life. I have many movies and shows and music that I adore. And I'll be happy to tell them to you if you really want to know...

But I think that's enough chatter about me for one day.

I will say this though. Writing is a beautiful thing and I am very passionate about it. You can express yourself in so many ways. Creativity abounds in writing, whether technical or trending towards the more 'artsy' forms of expression in the written word.

But writing takes practice. It's taken me a long time to master my voice as a writer, but that practice has opened my eyes to the importance of courses like Writing 150. And I hope, by the end of the semester, that you'll come to understand and appreciate writing in a new way. Even if you don't consider yourself a writer now, I know that you will all create some pretty brilliant pieces of writing this semester.

NOW, back to my thesis research.