Sunday, October 26, 2014 | By: Kaleigh Jean Spooner

The Prompt:

Here is the prompt for your Issues Paper. It is very specific, to be certain, but it is one that can provoke A LOT of useful research!

Your religious congregation has sent you to an inter-denominational council of American churches concerned that in the last few years, young adults have been fleeing religious services in large numbers, claiming on surveys that they have no religious affiliation. Your church is interested in your perspective because you participate in religious groups and you always seem to have an informed, and sometimes passionate, opinion on interesting topics discussed. Your leaders want you to go this council meeting and then write a report explaining why the trend is happening, what consequences it might have for these young adults or the country in general, and how religious groups of all kinds might bring youth back into the fold. Your report should be well-researched; your leaders aren't interested in "just opinions" related to the issue. They also want a thorough report. They admit that they know nothing about this trend (when did it start? why? what are the more appealing alternatives to religion? what are churches doing to drive out young people?), nor do they really know how to reverse it. But they're open to your advice. Prepare an 8-10 white paper on this issue directed at church leaders from multiple religions concerned about this trend. (A white paper is a research paper meant to help stakeholders understand an important issue so they can improve their judgment and/or act on the issue. White papers take stances by proposing policies or courses of action. They take the form of a standard research paper, but their audience is specific.) Include at least one graphic (image or table, chart, or graph) embedded in the paper. It may be helpful to keep in mind that these leaders are a little out of touch, and they will be skeptical of your claims. 

Also, keep in mind here is a video to help you sort of contextualize the issues paper with an example: